About Us
We take photos of our children too!
We have two lovely and lively boys and are as guilty as the next parents of snapping photos and videos of them all the time. Guilty, but not sorry!

We're proud parents and want to capture those moments. Sometimes they're meaningful moments and sometimes they're just daft - but it's all fun! And we want to share those moments with our friends and family.
Of course we could flood our Facebook and Instagram timelines with daily updates from our crazy family, but I'm not sure all our friends would thank us!
We wanted a different place to do that. Somewhere private, where we control who sees the photos and videos. Accessible for those friends and family who appreciate us in all our craziness. To join in with our family fun.
So start using Piccle. Create timelines for each of your little ones and invite your friends and family. It's private and 100% in your control. And you'll soon have amazing timelines, sharing those special moments in time.

Stephen and Eleanor Lockhart founded Piccle in 2017 and live in Bath, UK, with their two sons Oliver and Gabriel.